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Monday, August 13, 2007

Say Bye-Bye to Sagging Skin

Women ask me all the time, "What can I do for my sagging skin? Even after I've lost weight, I look terrible." Other women who have not lost weight yet, worry that they will have loose skin if they lose weight.

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Loose skin is not a problem if you know what you're doing when you work out. You can tighten up that loose skin by making it cling to developing sleek muscles. Now don't panic. I'm not talking bodybuilder muscles, I'm talking about sexy, feminine muscles that will simply make you look tight, toned and defined.

Two of the most common "loose skin" places on women are the triceps and the thighs. (In case you don't know, the triceps are located on the other side of your biceps and are often referred to as the "flag-wavers.")

I used to have plenty of loose skin on my arms and my thighs, and look what I've done for myself -- not in hours, but minutes a day, and being consistent.

I got in this shape and you can, too, lifting light weights the right way. You can start out as light as two or three pounds and build up to say, 12 as you get stronger. As long as it works for you, you're getting as much out of it as someone who is stronger than you and lifting heavier weights.

If I could do it, anyone can do it. I'm lazy -- and by the way, I just celebrated my 64th birthday.

The following exercises are a good start.

1. The seated double-arm dumbbell press for loose skin on the triceps.
Sit at the edge of a chair or bench, holding a dumbbell at either end with one hand at each end, palms facing forward. Hold the dumbbell which is in a horizontal position, straight up with your elbows nearly, but not quite locked.

Movement: Flexing your triceps muscles as you go, and keeping your elbows as close to your head as possible, lower the dumbbell behind your head until you cannot go any further. Give your triceps muscle another hard flex and return to start position. Do this movement 10 times and move to the next exercise.

2. The front squat for loose skin on front thighs.
Stand with your feet a natural width apart, with a dumbbell in each hand resting on each shoulder; your arms are criss-crossed.

Movement: Keeping your back straight and your eyes straight ahead, lower yourself to a comfortable position, making sure you do not threaten your knees. Even a small amount of lowering goes a long way. Feel the stretch in your thighs and return to start position, flexing your front thighs as hard as possible on the up movement. Repeat until you have done 10 repetitions. Return to the first exercise: Repeat this series two for times for a total of three times.

To get rid of the lose skin anywhere on your body, go to my Web site at and see my Loose Skin Remedy Package deal.

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