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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Butt Exercises - Training & Workouts For Sculpted Glutes!

There are three muscles that make-up your glutes: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. The gluteus maximus is the biggest and most noticeable of the three. The medius and minimus aren't as noticeable--both are located around your ilium, the large bony part of the pelvis. Together these three muscles help you move your thigh out to the side of your body (abduction), as well as rotate and extend your leg behind you. A strong buttocks helps in most all explosive/power activities, such as football, basketball, and hiking.

butt exercises

Butt Exercises - Lying Butt Bridge
Butt Exercises - Glute Kickbacks
Butt Exercises - Leg Lifts
Butt Exercises - Cable Kickbacks
Butt Exercises - Walking Dumbbell Lunges
Butt Exercises - Single Dumbbell Squats
Butt Exercises - Smith Machine Good Mornings
Butt Exercises - Reverse Dumbbell Lunges
Butt Exercises - Leg Presses
Butt Exercises - Exercise Ball Butt Lifts
Butt Exercises - Dumbbell Bench Step Ups
Butt Exercises - Smith Machine Squats
Butt Exercises - Cable Kickbacks
Butt Exercises - Elastic Band Kickbacks
Butt Exercises - Exercise Ball Butt Lifts
Butt Exercises - Exercise Ball Leg Lifts

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