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Tuesday, May 29, 2007



Incorporate the right cross-training activities into your routine, and you can boost the strength and stamina of your abdominal muscles even on days when you don't do a single crunch. Here are five of the best ways to work your abs while cross-training. Just remember that whenever you're performing an activity in which your arms and/or legs are moving away from the center of your body, you should engage your abdominals by consciously pulling in your stomach to get maximum ab-building benefit.

Swimming Since you are practically weightless, all the force in swimming is generated from the core. To increase this power, exhale on the part of your stroke that requires the most effort.

Rock Climbing It isn't just upper-body strength that gets you up a route. Reaching for a hold requires dynamic movement and isometric contractions of the abs.

Kickboxing The punching and kicking combo requires moving forward, backward, and laterally, and all the while the core works hard to stabilize the body.

Racquet Sports: When you hit a ball, the abdominal muscles are the bridge between the lower body and the upper body to help transmit force to the ball. As your abs get stronger, there is less stress on your shoulder as you hit the ball.

Pilates The entire focus of Pilates is on the core-both strengthening it and using it to control movements of other parts of the body. With every exhale, focus on tightening the whole chain of muscles running from the pubic bone to the lower rib cage.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Countdown To Abs

Doing hundreds of crunches won't give you the abs you want, but a well-thought-out workout program performed over a sustained period will. Get a quick feel of what you will see if you get the magazine.

Exceprt: Countdown To Abs: A 12-week Progressive Plan!

By: Mitzi Dulan & Jimmy Peña

The following is an excerpt from the May/June 2007 issue of Muscle & Fitness Hers:

Countdown To Abs

Doing hundreds of crunches won't give you the abs you want, but a well-thought-out workout program performed over a sustained period combined with a diet structured with fat loss in mind will. To attain the holy grail of a lean, tight midsection, you must progressively make your abs stronger, burn the flab hiding them and dial in your diet. This program will help you do that.

The training regimen is broken down into three four-week phases. In Phase 1, you create the basic foundation that lets you proceed to more advanced routines in Phases 2 and 3. And as you progressively work your abdominals harder, you'll refine your diet each week to prepare for the unveiling of those fabulous abs come summertime.

The guidelines listed here help you ease into and fine-tune your existing diet, but to really rev up the fat-burning furnace, use this routine in tandem with "The No-Brainer Diet" on page 80.

This program is designed to fit into your current workout schedule; just do your regular training and cardio routines as prescribed and swap out your usual ab work for these targeted routines three days a week, resting at least 48 hours between sessions. Now pull out your calendar, mark your unveiling day and start the countdown to fab abs.

Month 1:
Creating The Foundation

This month is about adapting to the exercises that form the foundation of this program. Perform your regular weight-training routine while using the workout below to train your abs three times a week, resting at least 48 hours between sessions. Do cardio at a moderate to high intensity 4-5 days a week for 30 minutes.

Exercise Sets Reps
Exercise-Ball Crunch 2-3 10-15
V-Twist 2-3 10-15 (to each side)
Reverse Crunch 2-3 10-15
Straight-Leg Raise 2-3 10-15
Plank 3 25-30 sec.

Click To Enlarge.
Video: MPEG - Windows Media

For the entire Countdown to Abs program, pick up the May/June 2007 issue of Muscle & Fitness Hers, available everywhere April 16, 2007!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Transformation of the week: Christina Borges

Christina was working long hours and getting sick at the same time. Eventually she had to stop training as a result. See how she got back into it and lost 13 lbs and inches of her waist!

Why I Got Started

In 2005 I started training really hard and got into the best shape of my life. I competed in three figure competitions from 2005-2006 and placed well. After my third competition I decided to take time off from competing, but still maintain my physique.

Before Before
Click Image To Enlarge.
Before My Transformation.

Well work got in the way, I was working well over 50 hours a week, then I got sick, and before I knew it I was out of the gym for 3 months and 16 lbs heavier. This was not like me and I knew I had to get back into the gym. Not only was I heavier, but I was tired all the time. In March 2007 I joined back up to the gym, registered for another competition, and been there everyday since.

Since March 1st my body has transformed tremendously and I feel great. I'm still working crazy hours, but learned that being in shape is a lifestyle and it should be part of my daily routine.

After After
Click Image To Enlarge.
Christina Borges.

I workout random times of the day, but no matter what I make sure I'm there everyday doing cardio and weight training. Once it's all over I feel great! I also make sure to prepare my meals ahead of time and to always have my gym bag packed and ready to go.

Click Image To Enlarge.
Christina Borges.

How I Did It

Working 7 days a week required my training schedule to vary. Each morning I pack my gym bag and right from work no matter what time I get out I go straight to the gym. I start with 10 minutes of warming up usually on the treadmill set on a incline.

After After
Click Image To Enlarge.
After My Transformation.

Right from there I do 60 minutes of weight training. I weight train 4 days a week Monday-Thursday. And cardio 6-7 days a week depending on how lean I need to be for a federation. Cardio will vary from 20 minutes to 60 minutes a day. My weekly training schedule looks like this:

  • Monday - Back-Biceps-Abs-Cardio-Stretching
  • Tuesday - Chest-Triceps-Abs-Cardio-Stretching
  • Wednesday - Glutes/Hamstrings/Quads-Abs-Cardio-Stretching
  • Thursday - Shoulders-Calves-Abs-Cardio-Stretching
  • Friday - Cardio-Abs-Stretching
  • Saturday - Cardio-Abs-Stretching
  • Sunday - Rest or Cardio-Abs depending on season

Even though I train abs everyday it varies in exercises, reps, and sets. I make sure to switch it up everyday and not to do the same exercise more than 3 times that week.


Sample Week Of Diet

I eat every 2-3 hours 5 meals a day:

  • Meal 1: 4 egg whites or 1/2 cup low fat no sodium cottage cheese, 1/2 cup berries, 1/2 cup quick oats
  • Meal 2: Tossed Salad with Chicken or plain white tuna, olive oil and apple cider vinegar
  • Meal 3: Piece of fruit and 1 tbsp all natural peanut butter
  • Meal 4: Isopure Protein shake with 1 tbsp flax oil
  • Meal 5: 4-6 oz boneless chicken breast or fish, 2 cups green salad, 1 cup steamed broccoli or asparagus or green beans, and 3 oz sweet potato or brown rice with 1 tbsp salsa

Sample Week Workout

Day 1: Back-Biceps-Abs-Cardio-Stretching:

Day 2: Chest-Triceps-Abs-Cardio-Stretching:

Day 3: Glutes/Hamstrings/Quads-Abs-Cardio-Stretching:

Day 4: Shoulders-Calves-Abs-Cardio-Stretching:

Day 5: Cardio-Abs-Stretching (varies)

Day 6: Cardio-Abs-Stretching (varies)

Day 7: Rest or Cardio-Stretching (depending on season)

Click Image To Enlarge.
Christina Borges.

Suggestions For Others

If you want to have a nice body you have to work for it, it doesn't come easy and takes a lot of self motivation and discipline. You can get anything you want in life you only work for it. If fitness is important to you, you will make it one of your priorities.

No matter how schedule for day it you find time to train, no matter how much you're craving something bad think about how many hours you put into the gym and think is it really worth it? Not to me!

Click Image To Enlarge.
Christina Borges.